Have you ever felt like you didn’t fit in anymore? Have you ever felt the expression of your true-self being stifled? Could it be the Lord was calling you closer and you didn’t hear the call? Are you feeling an internal shift towards change?

Life comes at us in many ways, causing different reactions to circumstances we encounter daily.  As we grow, we don’t fit into our original views, like a plant that has outgrown its pot, we struggle, in search of something more meaningful. If left unchecked, we cut ourselves off from the Lord and reaching our true potential.


I’d like to tell you about the day when Sister Tina and I took the time to visit the church on a weekend. Our mission was to repot a plant that was given to the ReDigging the Foundation ministries to be nurtured. It was to be brought back to life and this was our inspiration.

When we first received the plant, it was drooping and the leaves were turning brown. It was dying and we needed to act fast. So, we started the process to care for the plant. We took the time every day nurturing until it sprung back to life. We were overjoyed!  The plant began growing again and soon it started outgrowing its original pot.


For the plant to survive we had to divide it into several pots. This process allows the plant to deepen it roots. Strong roots ensure the plant can pull the most nutrients out of the soil in which it lives but if the pot is too small, it becomes void of nourishment and starves.

We separated the plant by taking it from its original pot and removing all the soil. Then, we pried through the mess of roots, careful to entangle them gently as this would promote growth. This was a very tender process, as to not break any roots.

It was within this process that clarity was gained.


The process of separating the roots served as a reminder to the care and concern the Lord has for all His children. The Lord loves us enough to remove and reestablish everything about us that’s not of Him in this life.

We start off growing and sprouting based on our surroundings but once we begin to understand the real purpose of life, take notice that our surroundings don’t always teach us correctly, and that we shouldn’t get so caught up in this world. Trust in the Lord.

Through the Lord, we can expand outside of our original pots, to a point of growth and abundance. We are the plant and what’s holding us back is the notion that we can sustain ourselves living ungodly lives.

Like a pot that’s too small, it doesn’t matter how many roots you grow, you’re stifling your growth. You’re cutting off your potential and starving without even knowing it.

Just like the plant, we must be removed from the nestling of our original environment to transition into another place, one that will be more beneficial; the household of faith. We go from what we were taught by our parents and society to the Lord’s requirements of us in the house of God. Like the plant, this is a careful process.

During this meticulous process of revitalizing the plant, handling of the plants root must be in a way that they are parted delicately instead of forcefully.

Spiritually, this is where the Lord begins to separate the root of us from the things that displease Him. Thus, those that try to guide us away from the pull we feel to serve God must be exposed. Things like ungodly connections and environments that do not please or increase our intimacy with the Father.

Allow The Lord in to Gain the Keys to the Kingdom

The Lord is a loving God that has allowed us free will, so he will never force his way into our hearts. No, he must be invited, and we must surrender to the Lord’s will. When that happens, He begins to separate us from our initial way of thinking; the beginning of separation from our desires of this world, so we can focus on what He desires.

A New Beginning

This is not the end by any means, in fact it’s quite the opposite. He will replenish our soil and our surroundings with good ground. Nourishing soil, that comes in the form of God-like friendships and fellowship that will be more fruitful in our walk with Christ.

The separation allows the plant to grow full. Free from struggle and the choking that happens when we’ve outgrown our original pot. This separation is necessary, and there will be parts of us that resist it. There’s some of us that like the smaller pot because it’s comfortable. Let us not give into the temptation taking the easy way out. Because it’s always easier to stay where you are, it’s less work, and humans get lazy, we get complacent.

Every time we cut off our expansion and reject the Lord, he weeps for us. He knows that which we are too blind to see.

Three from One

After the separation, we have three pots that began as one! Each plant now signifies how we’ve separated our thought process, leaving behind the old soil or cares of this world and have now been put into individual pots. The new soil that is fervent and ready to receive the word of God. The opening of our hearts.

From this new perspective, we now can flourish in fruitful ground. Decluttered and ready to grow to our fullest potential. It’s not over though, as we grow the Lord will allow us to be separated again to keep us on course, growing according to His will and not ours! My ultimate plea to God is to separate that which stunts my growth, even when it’s me. Thank you Lord for allowing this planting process to be an inspiration for others!