Midnight Prayer: The Oil is Running

The Lord sent out instructions to pray with and for the people. This prayer was specifically designed to speak into the atmosphere, in the early morning hours of the day, as the people of God sleep, covering them in the spirit. This prayer is used to destroy the works of the enemy, giving God’s people a chance to rise with a fresh start due to prayers being released during their time of rest. For those who are up, some due to the perplexities of life, this prayer speaks peace into their atmosphere, as well.  As a way to usher in the tempo of the prayer, a word is spoken first to declare the principles of God.

Whatever we need, according to the will of the Father, we can obtain through prayer. We encourage you to join us for midnight prayer. The theme is Midnight Prayer: The Oil is Running, and before the prayer begins Elder Sheila Anderson ministers a short message, followed by worship and prayer. Let’s pray together as there is power (the oil of God) when there are two or three gathered together, in the name of Jesus. So join us as the oil of God’s word run in the midnight hours as we bare our hearts and souls before God during midnight prayer.